5th August 2023
Burnham Town Council and the Rt Hon Sir John Whittingdale OBE, MP are hosting an open forum for the Public to attend at 7 pm on Friday, 18 August at the Ormiston Rivers Academy about the possible relocation of the Burnham Surgery.
The forum’s panel will include Sir John, the Town Mayor, Duncan Rawlinson, plus relevant decision-makers including NHS representatives and stakeholders.
You are invited to submit questions ahead of the event (see below).
The meeting, which will run for no more than 2 hours, will open with introductions before moving to the question phase.
We have invited Healthwatch to provide a speaker to moderate the debate, presenting questions to the panel that have previously been submitted by residents.
The moderator will then take questions from the floor. That is to say, there will be an opportunity for people in the audience to ask questions even if they haven’t submitted one before.
For more on the meeting itself, click here.
You can send your questions and concerns to: Consultation@burnhamoncrouchtowncouncil.gov.uk
Or you can send them in a letter to the Chief Officer, Burnham-on-Crouch Town Council, Chapel Road, Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex, CM0 8JA – or just pop it through the letter box.
The council will then collate the questions – we expect there may be some repetitions, so the moderator may combine several questions together. If you do not want your name mentioned when the moderator reads your question to the panel, please say so in your email or letter.
During the meeting, you may be invited to read out your question – please let us know when you submit your question if you do not want to do this.
Please submit your questions by midday on Wednesday 16 August.
We look forward to seeing you on 18 August.