Coloured bins and bags
Green and pink recycling bags are generally delivered to your bins. You can also pick the bags up from the Burnham Town Council offices, and they are also stocked by the Library and Woodford Garage on the Maldon Road.
The pink bags are for recycling plastic packaging, tin cans, cardboard and paper. You gather these up and leave them in a pile for collection on collection day.
The green bags are for food waste. Maldon District Council may have supplied you with a lockable, lidded green bin which has gray interior box which you can keep inside your home. You line the grey bin with a green bag and, when they are full, tie up the bag and put it in the bigger (supplied) green bin for collection. The bigger bin should be able to take about 3 green bags.
The larger, open blue (or black) bins are for glass and bottle recycling. You put these, together with smaller green bin and the pink bags out for collection on Recycling Collection Day,which happens every fortnight.
Household waste goes into the big black wheelie bin provided. This is collected every fortnight – on a different day to the recycling pick-up.
Why haven’t my bins been collected?
To find out about collection times or to complain about missed collections, please click here.
See also Burnham Recycling Centre