Purdah is the period between the notice of an election and the election itself, and means that local councils have to follow the guidelines set out in the Code of Recommended Practice on Local Government Publicity. In summary:
(a) The Council cannot publish proactive publicity in any form which relates to candidates
and other politicians involved directly in the election
(b) Publicity should not deal with controversial issues or report views, proposals or
recommendations in such a way that identifies them with individual members or groups of
members. Nor should the council publish any material which appears to give support to, or
encourage the support of, any particular group or party.
(c) Proactive events arranged in this period should not involve members who are, or who are
likely to be standing for election and other members who are directly involved in the
(d) Councillors holding key political or civic positions can only comment in an emergency or
where there is a genuine need for a member level response to an important event outside
the Council’s control
(e) The Council can respond in appropriate circumstances to events and legitimate service
enquiries provided the answers are factual and not party political
(f) Any prospective candidates must be treated equally
MDC normal Media Protocol is therefore suspended and the following must be followed:
- ALL enquiries from the Press to MDC should be referred to the Press Office in the first instance
- Quotes in news releases should be attributed to Head of Paid Service, Director or Council’s
Spokesperson (Communications Manager) as appropriate and approved by them in the
normal manner
For more guidance, click on this link: Purdah Guide.2019
For more information on elections, click the relevant box below.