Chief Officer – Nichola Payne

Chief Officer Nichola (Nikki) Payne, photographed in the council chamber, June 2023

The Chief Officer, also known as the Proper Officer, is a paid professional employed by the Town Council to manage its activities and provide administrative assistance and professional advice.

The post combines the roles of Town Clerk, Planning Officer and Chief Financial Officer.

Chief Officer Contacts

Tel: (01621) 783 426


Or visit the Council Offices on working days. Click here for details including the council’s street address.


Paid staff include the following people in part-time roles as Office Clerk and Town Warden:

Kassie Taylor – Office Clerk

Office Clerk, Kassie Taylor, photographed in the council chamber, June 2023. Her role is to assist the Chief Officer, mainly in clerical duties

Chris Edmondson – Town Warden

Town Warden Chris Edmondson, photographed in the council chamber, June 2023. Chris’s role is to help keep the council’s assets in good repair, while keeping an eye on things in the town.