If you have complaints about, or suggestions for Council services, or any other issue in the town that is affecting you or people you care about, contact the Chief Officer, or send an email to office@burnhamoncrouchtowncouncil.gov.uk, using the subject title, COMPLAINT (or SUGGESTION) – and then the title of the issue.

Please note that Burnham Town Council does not have responsibility for many of the things that are of concern to local residents. Many local issues are handled not by us, but by Maldon District Council or Essex County Council.

So, BEFORE you contact Burnham Town Council with a complaint, do please check that the issue isn’t on the list below.

To help you contact the people you need to speak to, we are updating the list below with links.

List of Responsibilities, with contact links

1. Abandoned vehicles 1. Adoptions & Fostering
2. Air quality 2. Adult education
3. Anti-social behaviour 3.    ` Blue Badges
4. Bins & recycling collections 4. Care for older persons
5. Business rates 5. Childcare
6. Building control 6. Cycling
7. Car parks 7. Drains
8. CCTV 8. Education and Schools
9. Cemeteries (Maldon & Burnham) 9. Essex Records Office
10. Community Safety 10. Footpaths & bridleways
11. Council tax & associated benefits 11. Gritting
12. Dog fouling 12. Highways (incl. pavements, local roads)
13. Empty homes 13. Incineration
14. Fly tipping 14. Libraries
15. Graffiti 15. Parks (No EEC parks in Burnham)
16. Homelessness 16. Potholes
17. Housing 17. Recycling centre
18. Litter 18. Registry office
19. Licences (incl. taxies) 19. Road safety & road signage
20. Noise complaints 20. Social services
21. Parks 21. Streetlights
22. Parking tickets & permits 22. Essex county council trading standards
23. Pest control (incl. stray animals) 23. Travellers & unauthorised encampments
24. Planning (Note: Burnham Town Council has an advisory role only) 24. Youth Services
25. Public toilets 25.
26. River moorings (some) 26.
27. Street names (not road signage) 27.
28. Street sweeping 28.
29. Voting & Electoral Roll 29.

Click on the boxes below for more useful information.