The Town Mayor

The current Town Mayor is Cllr Ron Pratt

The Town Mayor also presents the Mayor’s Awards at the Annual Civic Reception.

About the Town Mayor’s role
  • The Mayor is elected each year by the councillors at the Statutory Annual Town Council meeting which is held in May.
  • Mayors hold the office for a year, and can then be re-elected or choose to stand down.
  • The Mayor acts as the chair of Town Council Meetings and has a casting vote if opinion is evenly split.
  • The Mayor sits on all the Town Council Committees.
  • The Mayor hosts receptions and other events organised by the Town Council, and acts as civic representative for the town at events in Burnham and beyond.
  • The Mayor normally wears the chain of office when formally representing the Town Council.

For a list of Town Mayors click here for the Council History page.

The Deputy Town Mayor


The current Deputy Town Mayor is Cllr Douglas Bown, who was elected to the post at the council meeting on Tuesday 25th November 2024

The Deputy’s role is to fill-in for the Mayor in their absence and support the Mayor in council business.