Hundreds of people came to this year’s Remembrance Sunday service at Burnham’s War Memorial, despite the forecast rain.
It was a moving ceremony, led by the Royal British Legion, Burnham Branch and representatives of the churches of Burnham-on-Crouch.
It was marked, at 11 o’clock precisely, by a cannon fired from the yacht clubs, the tolling of the bell in the Clock Tower and a trumpeter playing The Last Post.
This year featured a visitor to Burnham from Korea, to represent the peninsula to commemorate 70 years since the end of the Korean War (1950-53).
There were also representatives from Ukraine.
The PA system was kindly provided by Pete Crisp of Rooks Yard recording studio.
Below is a gallery of pictures from the event, taken by Cllr Nick Skeens.
Raleigh Brass kindly provided the musical accompaniment as people gathered for the 10.40am start.Raleigh Brass. 2Raleigh Brass. 3The first flag bearers arrive…and salute the fallenBurnham Air Cadets arriveChurch representatives take their placesThe air cadets, in their ranks, ensure they are the correct distance from each otherVeterans arriveScouts and CubsBrownies and GuidesThe Town Mayor, Cllr Duncan Rawlinson, alongside an air cadetRepresentatives of uniformed youth organisationsThere were a lot of young people in attendance, showing their respectThe Reverend Suzie Fryer, of Saint Mary’s Church, led the serviceThe Reverend Suzie Fryer, with Charles Anderson, Deputy Lieutenant of Essex to the rightThe Reverend Suzie FryerAir CadetsBurnham’s Deputy Mayor, Cllr Fiona Cleg, is alongside Cllr Ron Pratt, who represented Maldon District CouncilThe town mayor and the deputy mayorThe road was full despite the weatherA wider view of the commemorationA view down the high street to the clock tower, at 10.45am.Maria J Y Lee, Student Minister, currently visiting United Reformed Church, spoke movingly about the ‘forgotten’ Korean War, pointing out that, as the country remains divided, she has never met a North Korean.Representatives of the Emergency ServicesThe Reverend Vera Wadham, of Creeksea ChurchRepresentatives of local emergency services. 2Representatives of local emergency services. 3Representatives of local emergency services. 4Charles Anderson, Deputy Lieutenant of Essex and direct representative of The KingCharles Anderson, Deputy Lieutenant of Essex. 2At 11 o’clock precisely, the service paused for the striking of the Town Clock, the Last Post and a cannon fired from one of the yacht clubsA member of Raleigh Brass playing The Last PostDavid Price, Chairman of the Royal British Legion, Burnham-on-Crouch branchSimon Werrett, community pastor at the Baptist ChurchCharles Anderson, DL, laying a wreathCharles Anderson, DL, saluting the fallenTown Mayor, Cllr Duncan Rawlinson, laying a wreathTown Mayor, Cllr Duncan Rawlinson, bowing to the fallenCllr Ron Pratt, MDCAir Cadet representatives saluting the fallenEmergency Services representativesDavid Price, Chairman of the Royal British Legion, Burnham-on-Crouch branch, saluting the fallenServing Member of the Armed Forces / Air Training CorpsEmergency Services representatives pay their respectsA wider view of the crowdScouts and CubsScouts and Cubs laying their wreathUniformed youth organisationsBrownies and GuidesBrownies and Guides. 2Brownies and Guides. 3Guides with their special saluteThe Ukrainian conflict was marked by the laying of a tribute by the Ozdamir family from Kiev. The Ozdamirs are sponsored by the Deputy Mayor and her husband under the Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme.The Ozdamir family, representing UkraineSchool representativesSchool representatives. 2School representatives. 3School representatives. 4Representatives of local churchesRepresentatives of local churchesRepresentatives of local churchesRepresentatives of the sailing communityRepresentatives of the sailing communityBurnham’s lifeboat, and a fleet of yachts from the local sailing clubs moored off the War Memorial as a sign of respectRepresentatives of other organisations and groupsRepresentatives of other organisations and groups. 2Representatives of other organisations and groups. 3Representatives of other organisations and groups. 4Representatives of other organisations and groups. 5Representatives of other organisations and groups, with town and district councillor, Una Norman in frontRepresentatives of other organisations and groupsRepresentatives of other organisations and groupsIndividual Tributes. 1Individual Tributes. 2Individual Tributes. 3Individual Tributes. 4Individual Tributes. 5Individual Tributes. 6Individual Tributes. 7Individual Tributes. 8Individual Tributes. 9Individual Tributes. 10Individual Tributes. 11Individual Tributes. 12Individual Tributes. 14Individual Tributes. 15Individual Tributes. 16The ceremony was both moving and meaningful, in the light rainThe Roayl British Legion’s David Price during the singing of the National AnthemThe singing of the National AnthemThe singing of the National Anthem. 3The singing of the National Anthem. 4The service over, air cadets gather for photo with the town mayor and the deputy lieutenant of EssexThe service over, air cadets gather for photo with the town mayor and the deputy lieutenant of Essex. 2Air cadets being marshalled for their photoAir cadets gathered for photo with the town mayor and the deputy lieutenant of EssexAir cadets gathered for photo with the town mayor and the deputy lieutenant of Essex. 2Air cadets gathered for photo with the town mayor and the deputy lieutenant of Essex. 3Air cadets gathered for photo with the town mayor and the deputy lieutenant of Essex. 4Air cadets gathered for photo with the town mayor and the deputy lieutenant of Essex. 5The RBL banner outside the Council OfficesAfter the service