14th December 2022
A significant amount of work has happened across the SEND system over the last couple of years. In July, Ofsted and the CQC confirmed they were content with what we have done to date. While this is positive, we are not complacent. Instead, we remain as committed as ever to achieving a fair SEND system for everyone who needs it in Essex. We also remain open and transparent about the work being undertaken to get us to that point.
Today, I am pleased to share that as part of this, we are launching the new Essex Local Offer website (https://send.essex.gov.uk/). This new site is a collaboration between Essex families and professionals. It will support people to navigate the breadth of SEND support in Essex. It will also help them to understand the process for accessing statutory services.
We have used insight to inform the new site so that it is easier to find information. Content is up-to-date, relevant and there is no duplication. There is also a new look and feel and change in language and presentation, so that content is accessible. During development, we have tested the new site with SEND colleagues across education, health and social care, as well as families.
The new website marks a significant step forward in our improvement journey, but it is not the end. We know there is more work to do to. Our aim is to ensure that every child with SEND and their family, receives the support they need, when they need it. Our aim is to re-gain families’ trust and re-build their confidence in the system. We know that some families have seen improvements. We also know that not every family in Essex is experiencing these benefits. Therefore, we will continue to build on our efforts.
It is important that families are aware of the new Local Offer website and the services on offer. Accessing early help services can prevent a child or family reaching crisis point. We are already engaging with practitioners and families. Please help us by sharing the new site and encouraging local families to use it.
We remain committed to improving and welcome any comments. If you, or any families in your area, would like to offer any feedback, please contact essex.localoffer@essex.gov.uk