17th April 2020
I would like first to give a huge thank you to Burnham residents for complying with government directions on social distancing and staying at home. This is helping to keep us all safe and is a vital part of the local and national effort to avoid our hospitals becoming overwhelmed.
I would also like to thank, from the bottom of my heart, all our front-line staff – our heroic health workers, carers, emergency services, postal/delivery workers, essential shopkeepers and businesses whose jobs require them to interact with the public in a pandemic.
Covid-19 has had a dramatic effect upon the town both economically and socially and means that many of the town’s public events have had to be cancelled, such as the Art Trail, Burnham in Bloom and, possibly, Quay Day in late August.
The Town Council is still working hard on your behalf, although public meetings have been cancelled for safety reasons until this is over. Please take a look at this website, www.burnham.info, which is providing information related to Coronavirus, including advice for those who need assistance.
You may also want to keep an eye on the Town Council noticeboards around the town should you be out taking exercise or buying essential supplies.
I look forward to the Street Party we hope to help organise when this is all over!
Thank you all and please stay safe.
Wendy Stamp
Town Mayor, Burnham on Crouch