13th March 2023
Dear all,
Please be aware that roadworks associated with the Burnham-on-Crouch retirement development on Maldon Road, will begin on 20 March 2023 and are expected to complete in August 2023.
Developers will be widening Maldon Road to create the new staggered right-turn ghost island junction into their site and to the existing Ferry Road junction, which will also be slightly widened to manage traffic generated from the new development.
A new 2 metre wide footway link will be created to provide pedestrian access on the southern side of Maldon Road from the entrance to Public Footpath route 1 to the local curry house, Dhan Shiri.
Each end of this new link will have a dropped kerb, tactile paving crossing point. The informal lay-by between these proposed crossing points will be formalised to a hard surfaced lay-by. These works also include introducing a new 40mph speed limit, along with new and realigned drainage facilities and new street lighting.
Barkemp Construction Ltd have been appointed by Waters Project Ltd to carry out these works and updating the community on their plans. A leaflet has been shared (copy enclosed), and we have created a webpage ‘B1010 Maldon road, Burnham-On-Crouch – Retirement Village’ on the Essex Highways website where further information about the scheme will be shared as details become available.
Traffic management will be reviewed and adjusted where necessary according to activities being undertaken. Two way traffic signals will be operational 24 hours a day on Maldon Road from 20 March, with a closure on Ferry Road required later in the programme (8 May to 4 June). Overnight closures of Maldon Road will also be required from 24 July until 6 August. Please note that dates may be subject to change if the works are affected by poor weather or if unexpected issues arise.
Full contact details for the developer can be found on our webpage along with copy of the leaflet and proposed closure plans. This information is already available on One.network.
Could you kindly share this information with your local councillors, residents and businesses with a link to our webpage:
Burnham-on-Crouch – main s278 works leaflet – march 2023
Kind regards
Essex Highways Information