31st August 2023

Strengthening healthcare services for our community this winter

As part of the NHS’s winter preparations, senior clinicians and partners across the health and care system have been developing plans to make the best use of healthcare facilities and resources this winter.

Following the announcement from the NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board regarding the relocation of the inpatient community services for stroke rehabilitation, intermediate care, and midwifery-led births at St Peter’s Hospital.

Cllr Richard Siddall, Leader of Maldon District Council, said; “I am completely dismayed at the decision which has been made by the Integrated Care Board. Whilst I recognise the issues the NHS are facing with the St Peter’s site these are not new problems and something that should have been managed appropriately. However, we recognise that patient safety is the uppermost consideration in this decision.

“The move of the Stroke Unit to Brentwood is going to be particularly hard for families who will have to rely on public transport, and this does not appear to have been a consideration when they made their decision. It will also impact on NHS staff who work at the hospital, many who are local and moving to Brentwood for some will be impossible.

“The Council will continue to work closely with the NHS to ensure that the remaining services continue to be delivered in Maldon. In addition, we will be pushing NHS to bring forward the delivery of the proposed medical facilities across the district, which have been outlined in our Local Development Plan, this will ensure that the best services possible are provided for our residents.”

Please follow the link for more information:

Strengthening healthcare services for our community this winter