21st January 2025

Essex County Council appoints new Chief Executive

Appointment subject to final approval by Full Council on 13 February.

Essex County Council is pleased to announce Nicole Wood as the council’s new Chief Executive.

Nicole will take over from Gavin Jones who announced his retirement in the autumn.

Nicole joined the council in 2008 after working at Hackney, the Audit Commission and Oldham Council. She is currently the Executive Director for Corporate Services and s151 officer.

As part of this role, Nicole has been responsible for procurement, finance, pensions, transformation, legal and assurance and digital services.

Nicole represents on various regional and national working groups in her capacity as an Essex finance leader and is an enthusiastic Local Government Association peer reviewer. She is also the current President for Society County Treasurers.

Nicole said: “It is a tremendous honour to have the chance to become the Chief Executive for one of the country’s biggest councils. Big changes are on the horizon, as we continue our established transformation work and look ahead to the potential for exciting reforms.

“I am fortunate to already have absolute confidence in our team and partners in our ability to embrace the challenges ahead.

“The council is proud of its track record and in being one of the highest performing and most productive councils in the country. We strive every day to do better for Essex residents, and our ability to do so is all down to our leadership and the hard work of our teams who will continue to be at heart of our great work we do for residents and businesses.”

Councillor Kevin Bentley, Leader of Essex County Council said: “We are delighted to have appointed Nicole as our new Chief Executive. Nicole brings extensive experience from both her senior leadership role at the council and through the work she does as a leader in finance across Essex, the country and within local government.

“Nicole takes the reigns at an exciting time for the council as we await news from the government about the devolution priority programme. She has a real grasp of the opportunities and challenges ahead.

“I am really looking forward to working with Nicole to make our county as great as it can be for our residents and businesses.”

Gavin Jones, the current Chief Executive, said: “I am delighted that Nicole will be taking on the role of Chief Executive.

“Nicole brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to the role. She has a clear vision and will bring energy to the role. 

 “Having worked closely with Nicole over the years, I am confident that she will continue to help deliver excellent services for the people of Essex.”