27th April 2020
Burnham Residents Celebrated VE Day with bunting and socially-distanced ‘street parties’.
This followed the launch by the BBC of the Great British Bunting to mark VE Day. The Royal British Legion held a national moment of reflection – see below.
On Friday 8 May 2020 Britain comemorated the 75th anniversary of VE Day when the guns fell silent at the end of war in Europe.
Due to the coronavirus restrictions most VE Day 75 events and street parties were cancelled or postponed. but people felt it important to mark the occasion, share pride in our country and honour the men and women of WW2.
Make-do-and-mend was the theme at the time so there was advice for using wrapping paper, colouring books, cardboard or newspapers or magazines, particularly those with photos of WW2 and VE Day
For more information, including instructions on how to make bunting, click here.